PhotobucketSunday, May 23, 2010

I reached that certain stage again

75 days ago, I was braving the cold weather in slippers and shorts.
75 days ago, I was getting used to life without my parents.
75 days ago, I was enjoying the meat sticks and shou zhu bing outside the hostel
75 days ago, I was enjoying what everyone called P.A.R.T.Y
today, I am back to reality of not enjoying life.

I've reached the stagewhere my brain is dead and I'm all stress up. why is it so hard to choose what to major in, 6 months internship? overseas or local? just 3 question enough can kill my god damn freaking brain. I have no motivation to school anymore. How hard can working life get?

life of a working adult
1. you get up early
2. go to work for like a day
3. go home.

life of a student
1. you get up early
2. go to school for a day
3. go home
4. do tutorials
5. study

and whats more you get cash when you are working! well people will say 'this is a phrase that everyone will go through'. when i was in preschool, my parents would say 'it will be over soon'. when i was in primary 4, my parents said 'study hard, streaming will be over soon'. when i was in primary 6, my parents said 'study hard, psle will be over soon'. when i was in secondary 2, my parents said 'study hard, promotions will be over soon'. when i was in secondary 4, my parents said 'o lvl will be over soon'. when i was in year 1&2, my parents said 'study hard, it will be over soon'. SO WHAT!!! when i go to uni, they are gonna say 'study hard it will be over soon'. WHEN THE HELL WILL IT BE OVER. stupid qns, till the day i die isnt it?

thats it, time for my brain to take a break. I've vent enough.


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